Hi, I’m Antoinette.
My calling is to guide and accompany my clients in their discovery of self, purpose and a fulfilling life. We have chosen to be here at this time, and we all have gifts to contribute to the world.
To live the life we desire, we need to be accountable and take responsibility for our decisions. Underlying beliefs and unconscious patterns prevent us from making self-affirming choices and keep us in a loop. Letting go of beliefs that limit our energy level, growth, and expression allows us to uncover our strengths and inner resources. I have seen this within myself and in my work with clients over the past 20 years.
My own journey has fuelled my passion to guide others
Getting frustrated on our life’s journey is common and understandable. We weren’t given a how-to guidebook! Many people were there for me when I was not seeing progress after diligently working through my own restricting fears and beliefs.
I, too, would fall back to old patterns, especially when old wounds were triggered. Looking back, it was worth every hour, every conversation, every self-doubt. I know I am always a step closer to where I want to be, and that is all that counts.
My own journey has fuelled my passion to guide others. I work with my clients by exploring their inner dynamics and creating a map to more powerfully navigate this inner realm to more authentically show up in the outer world.
At our disposal is a variety of modalities, techniques and approaches that help us with greater ease and purer intention to climb out of ravines of despair, scale the highest mountains of obstacles, breakthrough conditioning and any coping mechanisms that have since become pitfalls and traps. The map, however, is not the terrain. It takes courage, self-love and patience to walk as ourselves. If you are ready, I am ready to be your guide.
My Passions
Emotional Intelligence
We live in a logic-driven and mind-focused world. Yet our heart and emotional intelligence is a powerful way to connect with our inner truth and to make better decisions for ourselves.
The most important relationship is that with ourselves. By nurturing our self-understanding and nourishing our relationship with self, we become more present and authentic in all our relationships.
Spiritual Growth
We are a soul living in a human body on a spiritual journey. Seeing the big picture of what this means for ourselves and the world at large expands our perspective of life’s challenges.
Women’s Health
As a mother, I’m passionate about supporting women on their fertility and pregnancy journey. This is a profound and dynamic time. Balancing our energy addresses physical symptoms as well as deepens our bond with our unborn child.
Inner Child
Working with our Inner Child reconnects us with a part of self that may feel unheard and unloved. Most of us do not realize how much our Inner Child leads our interactions with others and in our decision-making.
My Training, Experience & Modalities
My focus for the last 20 years of my practice has been learning and applying different holistic modalities. Each training has contributed to the depth and breadth of understanding about the human being and expanded my worldview and spiritual practice. The following are the ones I most use today in my work with clients.
Hypnotherapy (2007), Regression Therapy (Dipl. Regression Therapist, 2008 and approved trainer, 2010), Spiritual Regression (2009), Jin Shin Jyutsu (2009), Neuro Linguistic Programming (2011), Nutripuncture (2012), Integral Coaching (2014/15), Focusing (2015), HeartMath (2018) and Inner Relationship Focusing (2023)

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