“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
— Albert Einstein

Beyond 'Fine': Unlocking Your Emotional Vocabulary

Alone Together - Masking Loneliness

The Tug-of-War Within: Navigating Inner Contradictions
Perhaps we've experienced the confusion of loving someone deeply and harbouring strong resentment towards them simultaneously. How do we deal with ambivalence?

The Turbulence Within: Navigating Our Inner Conflicts
Let's explore some of the core conflicts that make up our turbulent inner world.

Perspective - The Path to Connection
The more we consciously work on suspending our personal narratives, the more space we create to see life through others’ eyes. This expansion of perspective is incredibly enriching for our growth.

Shed Old Identities to Find Yourself
Why do we cling to old identities? We miss new possibilities when we keep holding on to a supposed identity that's not aligned with our situation and true self.

Life Throws Curveballs - Finding Focus When Your World Shifts
Your best laid-out plan went awry. Now what? How can Focusing give you grace when faced with major turmoils?

The Burden of Choice: Navigating Life’s Toughest Decisions
Believing that there is only one right choice is a mental trap. The reality is that we have to continue to make choices again and again, and life is a path of all the choices.

Life Off-Track? Getting Back on Course Begins With You
Do you feel like your life's constantly off track? Why is it crucial to take responsibility for our chosen paths? In today's blog, I reflect on these key aspects of personal development and growth.

The Expectation Effect: Thinking versus Feeling
How can we still hold a vision for a happy and content life while adjusting our expectations?

Change is Inevitable: Will you shape it or be shaped?
The known feels safe. Why change and venture into the unknown when the status quo, though imperfect, is comfortable?

Befriending Your Inner Critic
There is an ever-growing need to find a way to manage that harsh inner voice of the inner critic: Thwarting the Inner Critic, silencing the inner bully, shutting it up, going to war with it.

Question What You Believe About Yourself
Your self-image is most likely not what other people see as you, nor is it a true representation of who you are.

The Choice Between Two Wolves: How to Respond Mindfully to Life's Challenges
Struggles are part of life. So, how can we respond to life’s challenges without losing ourselves in negative thoughts and emotions?

Understanding Emotionally Immature Parents: Signs and Solutions
What are the signs of having been brought up by emotionally immature parents, and how can we begin to heal from our experiences? Let’s talk about it.

What Does Inner Relationship Focusing Help With?
I often get asked about what Focusing helped with. And so, I made a Q&A video to discuss this inner work at length. I’ve also provided a transcript of the video below for easy reference.

Breaking Negative Patterns: Take a Fresh Look
We often get into the habit of not paying attention and follow patterns that keep us stuck and away from finding our life's purpose. So what can we do?

Do this to Improve Your Relationhips
How can we improve our relationships? What questions can we ask ourselves? What steps can we take to create meaningful connections?

Letters to Heal the Self #002 - D Niya
A letter-writing therapy submission from a client on the inner critic.

Silence, Solitude and Self: Why is it important to spend time alone?
Have you stretched yourself so thin that you are out of touch with who you are? What can silence and being with yourself teach?
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