“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
— Albert Einstein

Beyond 'Fine': Unlocking Your Emotional Vocabulary

Is it Time For New Beginnings?
January signifies starting afresh. It’s also an opportunity to take stock of your current core values, possible limiting beliefs, and available energy.

We All Have Lied: Reasons Why We Avoid Self-honesty

Where are you heading: Navigating Uncertainty

How To Be A Better Listener: Embodied Listening

How Real Are You? Practising Authenticity
Everything in life is based on duality: light and dark, yin and yang, warm and cold, wet and dry, etc. Yet, somehow only the positive thoughts and feelings seem to be acceptable. So, we do our best to cover up, deny, and ignore the hurt, pain, doubts, and fears.

Making a difference in life is easier than you think
Share from your heart whatever you have, be yourself, use your unique talents and abilities to connect with others, and inspire and motivate them to search within themselves for their passion and mission.

Stop the Leak and Recharge Your Inner Battery

How to Build a relationship with your inner critic

Courage is the mastery of fear

Finding certainty in uncertainty

Going Beyond The Roles you Play

Is Forgiving Difficult for You? Try These 3 Tools
If being unforgiving is weighing you down, here are three tools to help you find forgiveness in your heart.

Magic in the South China Sea
Standing in the water and listening to the pause before the next little wave arrives, something clicks. I don’t know how, somewhere within me something recognizes that stillness, that home-coming and the quietness, which allowes me to “just” BE.

Video Blog: Walking the Pebbled Path
I walked a pebbled path at the Singapore Botanic Gardens and realised these things.

Video Blog: "Mindful-less"
What does is mean to live a life centered on mindfulness?

What Is your definition of Success?
Adopting your family’s or the mainstream definition of success often leads to disappointment and self-doubt. This broad stroke hardly ever takes into account your abilities, resources and vision, which can be very different from those around you.

Being Grateful for Everything?
t’s easy to be grateful for these things and for the people who love us and make life’s challenges tolerable. But how about shitty events in our life?

Burnout? Yes! My Story & What I learned
Today I share my burnout story, how I found myself depleted and what I did to find my way back into creativity and lightness.

Finding Beauty in Old Age
Free Ebook For You