Living Freely - Being at Ease with What Is
A 5-Module HeartMath® Workshop
Are you living a life filled with contentment, joy and ease? If not, what’s in your way?
What would life look like when you are being more resilient, compassionate and connected to your inner truth?
Certified Therapist & Trainer
Antoinette a certified Mentor and Coach for HeartMath®.
Join me in this 5-module HeartMath® workshop and learn how to
Identify and understand the situations that drain your life energy
Reveal your habitual response patterns
Access your heart's intelligence to make better decisions
Find compassion and inner stillness
Reach greater coherence with five HeartMath Techniques
Get a felt sense using these tools of what it's like to let things be the way they are and how to be ok with it
5-Module HeartMath Workshop
Understand Stress
Learn about the mechanics of stress, the heart-brain's underestimated importance and how positive feelings shift stress responses and perceptions.
Identify & Stop energy leaks
Explore the thoughts, patterns and behaviors that drain your energy and learn what you can do to stop these energy leaks.
Create New Emotional Patterns
Learn how to create new emotional patterns and behaviors to enjoy emotional balance, flexibility and the ability to bounce back after stressful circumstances.
In each module you will learn…
a new technique that you practice right away. We will also discuss possible pitfalls, tips and ways to make the most of what HeartMath offers. Here are some benefits you may experience:
Higher energy levels
A positive way of understanding yourself and others
Creative and outside-the-box problem-solving
Increased calmness
A more profound sense of connection with yourself
Greater ability in being with uncomfortable emotions
More flow in life
Increased mental, emotional and physical well-being
Making better choices in life

Living Freely - Being at Ease with What Is
5 modules
Live online workshop via Zoom
Maximum number of participants: 10
Bonus: Free HeartMath® Stress and Well-Being Assessment.
This is best completed prior to the workshop as it will help you with some of the exercises.
Due to HeartMath® Institute workshop requirements, a recording of the workshop can’t be provided. * This is a live workshop
Limited slots this month.
Client Testimonial
“Helped me during crisis”
“I would like to thank you for the amazing results I got after attending one session each of Past Life Regression Therapy and Inner Dynamics. It helped me improve my communication skills during a period of crisis in my personal and professional life.”
Nishant K., Singapore
“A surreal sensation”
“Over the course of two and a half hours she helped me recall two past lives and even the inter-life (spiritual realm). It was also a surreal sensation to know that during the whole time my logical/analytical mind was fully aware and functional, but not at conflict with my experience.”
Simon, Singapore
Free Ebook For You